miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014

INTERVIEW WITH DARIUSZ KLIMCZAK by Paloma de la Torre ( Cromofora La)

Paloma de la Torre When did you decide to devote full time to be an artist?

Dariusz Klimczak  My entire adult life was devoted to the arts. I was a painter, writer, I played in a rock band.

Paloma de la Torre Were You a good student in school? –

Dariusz Klimczak  Yes. I had no problems in school, I liked to read, but concentrating more on artistic activities.

Paloma de la Torre What inspires you to create? –

Dariusz Klimczak  Nature, light, rhythm, music. Inspires me a lot of things.

Paloma de la Torre What would you change from this world? –

Dariusz Klimczak If I was able to change the world, I would. Unfortunately, some things in human nature unless you can not change, so the only thing left for me is to accept them.

Paloma de la Torre  If you could resurrect someone, who would you choose? –

Dariusz Klimczak Frank Zappa.

Paloma de la Torre   What do you think about Contemporary Art? –

Dariusz Klimczak I hope that I'm a part of it I'm trying to watch the newest trends. I can see, how fast changes occur. Time will verify, what is valuable.

Paloma de la Torre   If you would have the whole world attention for 30 seconds what would you do or say?

Dariusz Klimczak  I think, I would remain in silent...

Paloma de la Torre   What things are you afraid of knowing that there is nothing to fear? 

Dariusz Klimczak I'm afraid to great pain. I'm scared to death, even though I know I should not fear it, because I don't know, what death is.

Paloma de la Torre   If your friends were asked about negative highlight parts of your character, what would they say? –

Dariusz Klimczak They would say, that sometimes I'm malicious or unpleasant

Paloma de la Torre   What drives you crazy? –

Dariusz Klimczak Stupidity.

Paloma de la Torre   What is your favorite painting or picture? –

Dariusz Klimczak I like a lot of images. I’ve studied painting, I have seen a lot of great works, I cannot mention just  one.

Paloma de la Torre   Who is your favorite artist? –

Dariusz Klimczak I have no any favorite artist.

Paloma de la Torre   Are you superstitious? –

Dariusz Klimczak No.

Paloma de la Torre   Do you think there are people devaluing contemporary art? –

Dariusz Klimczak Unfortunately, yes. I can talk about my field - photomanipulation. Many people seem to think, that simply juxtapose several different elements, so it became an art. It's ridiculous.

Paloma de la Torre   Does Internet have a negative influence or positive influence on artists? –

Dariusz Klimczak It all depends on how you use it. Certainly access to information is now very fast. There has never been so easy to find out anything; In fact, in just a second you can find all the information you need.

Paloma de la Torre   What do you think about contemporary mecenas helping to promote artists through social media and the internet? –

Dariusz Klimczak Much depends on their knowledge, commitment, passion. If someone is doing it only for profit or popularity, it stops me to like it.

Paloma de la Torre   If you let a shark and a crocodile in the same pool , which one would win? –

Dariusz Klimczak Shark. It Is faster.

Paloma de la Torre   Do you like to read poetry? –

Dariusz Klimczak Sometimes.

Paloma de la Torre   Have you read any of my poems? –

Dariusz Klimczak Unfortunately, no.

Paloma de la Torre   What would you title a book about your life? –

Dariusz Klimczak Frimagination.

Paloma de la Torre   What is your favorite animal? –

Dariusz Klimczak Dog.

Paloma de la Torre  Which one of the seven capitals sins you commit more often? –

Dariusz Klimczak What sin is?

Paloma de la Torre  How would the world change the world if it were dominated by women? –

Dariusz Klimczak Basic religion would be go shopping

Paloma de la Torre    If you had to give employment to someone what criteria would you consider the most important? –

Dariusz Klimczak Diligence, consistency, punctuality, perseverance.

Paloma de la Torre  What is more important to you: freedom or security? –

Dariusz Klimczak Definitively freedom.

Paloma de la Torre  If you went to dinner with your clone, do you think you would enjoy the company? –

Dariusz Klimczak I hope so…

Paloma de la Torre  Do you think you could know the character of a person by the music he/she listen to? –

Dariusz Klimczak Sure.

Paloma de la Torre  How many creations each year and how long you usually end them? 

Dariusz Klimczak Many years ago, I set a goal to create one job per day, regardless of the circumstances.

Paloma de la Torre  Do You consider yourself into any movement in art? –

Dariusz Klimczak I don't hold on tightly to one style, though most of my work can be described as surreal.

Paloma de la Torre  If there were a movie about your life which actor/actress would play your role? –

Dariusz Klimczak George Clooney

Paloma de la Torre  Let's say for the rest of your life you can only eat one thing, which one would you decide? –

Dariusz Klimczak Everything can become boring.

Paloma de la Torre  What would you like to transmit in your art? –

Dariusz Klimczak Give someone the feeling, that he/her is not alone.

Paloma de la Torre  if you were famous far a whole day what famous person would you be and why? –

Dariusz Klimczak I never thought about it. Great fame is a curse.

Paloma de la Torre  if you had to choose a comic’s Character for your father , what would it be? –

Dariusz Klimczak Hmm, maybe the Joker from Batman

Paloma de la Torre  Do you think Contemporary Art is multidimensional, how would you define it? –

Dariusz Klimczak Yes, I think so. Now, a lot easier than it used to, you can combine the arts - music with image, text with music, etc. I love it. Look here: 


 By Paloma de la Torre ( Cromofora La) for :

Cromofora La (Paloma) Contemporary Art Online Gallery ©


* Thanks Dariusz for such a amazing Photos making me think about human nature and our place in society and nature. Your creations are full of passion, creativity and philosophy enriching my soul. 
Paloma de la Torre ( Cromofora La) en " El Azúcar es la Anestesia"

This is a copyright and registered interview for Cromofora La ( Paloma) Contemporary Art Online Gallery

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