viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014


Antonio Tamburro was born in Isernia in 1948

After the studies at the School of Art, from 1966 he begun The Academy of Fine Arts of Naples, with master Giovanni Brancaccio.
Then he decides to quit it and to enrol himself at The Academy of Fine Arts of Rome with master Franco Gentilini. In 1968 he collaborates with the scene designer Filippo Senerchia; he realized for him a lot of painted parts of its set designs, one of the most important is exhibited at the Flavio Vespasiano theatre of Rieti.

In 1971 he paints the missing parts of the fresco realized from Trevisonno painter, in the S. Anna Church of Cantalupo del Sannio (IS). In the same year he realizes his first Personal exhibition at the Carboncino gallery of Campobasso where he starts to meets the emergent artists of that period. In 1972 he moves to Perugia where he makes his debut with his Personal exhibition at the Palazzo Comunale (Town Hall). In these pictures there is an allusion of his origins, with a strong and violent chromatism typical of impressionists. In Perugia he meets and follows the “Cenacolo” cultural group. He participates at the art-exhibition with other artists of Umbria region.

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