jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014


                                               In the light . oil painting on canvas
                                             Young womAn and a bird . Oil On Canvas

                                            (photo by Jean-Luc Guérin, 2011

198: First exhibition of his works in Brittany (landscape paintings).
1985 : Begins to study Philosophy and Aesthetics in the Sorbonne Paris IV University.
1986 : First personnal exhibition in Brittany.
1989 : Obtains his Masters degree of Aesthetics at the Sorbonne, presenting « The ancient masters’ pictorial matter », under the direction of Michel Guiomar.
1990 : Starts working at the French Institute for the Restoration of Artworks (IFROA), where he deepens his knowledge on the ancient masters’ techniques.
1990-1992 : First exhibitions as a « special guest » in various art fairs.
First prize in Taverny , Barbizon, Pontoise, Plouescat, Quincy-sous-Sénart, Tournan-en-Brie (the city of Tournan officially purchases a still life painting).
1992 : As from this date, he fully dedicates himself to painting.
1992 : Exhibition at the Autumn Fair of Paris (at the Grand Palais).
1994 : Exhibition at Michelle Boulet Gallery, Paris VIII.


                          Clean as Pauline Oil On Linen 56x42'' 2007
                  This Tulip Loves You, Oil On Canvas, 60x48'', 2010

                     On The Banks Of The Rhines, Oil On Canvas, 38x30'', 2011

                     Across From The Prison Beside The Great Lake, Oil on Canvas, 65x50'',2011
                       Delilah and Delilah, Oil On Canvas, 53x40'', 2012

            Emerald Lake 84x79'' 2007
                  Last Run Of The Colorado 65x53'' 2012
                 The Internationalist, 18x30'', Oil On Canvas
                               One Thousand Sofias Oil On Canvas 7x5'' 2007
                            Exiting Empire Oil On Canvas 72x54'' 2013
                            When I Stand Beside Her Oil On Canvas 90x66'' 2013
                                     An Ocean In A River, Oil On Canvas, 30x36'', 2012
                     Call O. Wilde , Oil On Canvas, 30x24'', 2012
                    One Hundred Views Of Trinidad, Oil On Canvas, 28x20'', 2012
      Nineteen Temptations, Oil on Canvas, 22x28'', 2012

Jennifer NEHRBASS, 1970, contemporary artist from USA. She graduated from the University of New Mexico, New York University and the University of Wisconsin. Ambiguity, realism and fantasy play atmospherically in a narrative moment akin to magic realism.

FEBRUARY 6th: Stop Female Genital Mutilation

"This worldwide form of violence is now beginning to slow down in global regions where it has stubbornly been in place for thousands of years. Education, women and girl’s empowerment, increased awareness and sociological cultural change between the sexes are working together to produce a new awareness of the harmful practice. But much more work is still needed..."

"Esta forma de violencia esta empezando a decrecer en las regiones globales donde ha sido llevada a la practica durante miles de años. La educación, refuerzo en los derechos de las mujeres y de las niñas, incremento en la conciencia social así como sociológica cultural entre sexos... todo ello esta trabajando en conjunto para potenciar una nueva conciencia sobre esta monstruosa práctica. Sin embargo, aún queda mucho trabajo por hacer..."


TEST: who painted this parrot, take a guess at who the artist was? Quien pintó este loro, tienes una ligera idea?

A Test!!
If you don't already know who painted this parrot, take a guess at who the artist was. No fair looking it up first!!
If you already know who painted this, please don't say. I'm curious how many people will get it right.



                                                         Photo by Mediasa ( copyright)

The building, an off-center cube supported by a single column, is the brainchild of – and her husband, Cengiz Çetindoğans. It will provide a permanent home for a private collection belonging to the Çetindoğans – the cetindogans’ family run conglomerate, with investments spanning luxury fashion, television stations, and hotels- exceeding 2,000 works of art. The new art center will be called the Demsa Collection, in partial tribute to New York’s Frick Collection, an institution that helped inspire the Çetindoğans to become serious collectors. “ The museum juxtaposes Turkish painting from the 18th to the 2oth century, Islamic manuscripts, and international contemporary art” says Thomas Krens, the former director of the Guggenheim Foundation, who is serving as an adviser for the project. Half of the museum’s more than 150,000 squares feet of exhibition space will be used for temporary shows. The Demsa Collection’s arquitecture will be a big part of its attration. Demet view of the building as “ futuristic with historical touches.” Although Hadid’s final design has not been made public, early drawings show a structure with strict geometrical lines that appear to melt at the edges into mugarnas- honeycomb vaulting that it is a feature of Islamic architecture. This mex of old and new will also be reflected in the collection. The Çetindoğans are contantly buying contemporary art from around the world. Will we be surprised?


                       Oil on Canvas 250x200 cm
               Oil on Canvas 230x200 cm
         Oil On Canvas 190x190 cm
       Oil on canvas 200 x 230 cm
                  Oil on Canvas 230x200 cm
                Oil On Canvas 230x200 cm

      Keeping Up Appareances

DEBORAH POYNTON was born and trained in the north of England, Deborah Poynton travelled and worked in Europe and Africa before settling in Dorset. This is where her artistic gift developed and much of her work was first exhibited and sold.