lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014


                                                    Propaganda Party

963 - Born in Shandong Province, China
1982 - Studied in Qinghua University Art College, Beijing
1986 - Graduated from Qinghua University Art College, Beijing
1987 - Lived and worked in Vienna
1989 - Lived and worked in Hamburg
1996 - Present -Living and working in Berlin and Beijing

 His ambiguous, highlyexpressive portraits of beautiful women and androgynous men have been described, variously, as kitsch, hyper-realist, low-brow and new-brow. Ling Jian hints at the complex inner psyche of his subjects; their faces and facial expressions offer up a jumble of conflicting testimony. His portraits can be seductive, aloof, mournful or disturbing, but all reveal a range of visual cues that cannot be deciphered with simple reason or rationality. Like a hunter in search of his prey, Ling Jian leverages personal experience and an understanding of human nature to capture images and transform them into symbols of our fast-paced age. 
Circular shapes create an infinite visual continuity, while the combination of painted canvases and printed mirrors leads to spatial illusions. The women in the paintings are representative of our times, representative of the standards applied to women in our times. They reflect the cultural shifts, clashes, contradictions historical scars and individual stories taking place within a given landscape. The use of mirrors emphasizes the harmony between audience and artwork, viewer and viewed. Portraits on canvas will be printed on mirrors. As the observer gazes at them from different angles, the works change appearance, depending on the refraction of light through coloured glass. As we draw closer to the mirrored surfaces, human instinct and experience ensure that the images within them will begin to dissipate. In this new kind of visual experience, we observe the minute interactions that define the subtle dynamic between self and society. Even as we are facing reality, we are fleeing from reality."
- Ling Jian

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