Cromofora La ( Paloma)Art Gallery showcases an amalgamation of new contemporary, emerging as well distinguished artists, focusing on the creation of future exhibitions from around the world, a Monthly Magazine all of which help to define the future of art in our culture.Supporting and representing artists, innovative exhibitions and programs. Beside provides Art Advisory Services. All image's rights are reserved by the artists who created the works reference herein
jueves, 3 de julio de 2014
SATURNO BUTTÓ Interviewed by Paloma de la Torre ( Cromofora La)
When did you decide to devote full time to be an
dopo gli studi artistici, era il 1980.
Right after studying art, in 1980
Después de estudiar Arte en 1980
Were You a good student in school?
proprio, mi interessavo solamente al disegno, alla pittura e all'arte, detestavo
la matematica.
Not really, I was interested only in drawing, painting
and art, I used to hate math.
Realmente, no. solo me interesaba el diseño, la pintura y el arte, detestaba las matemáticas.
What inspires you to create ?
estrema sintesi: sessualità e religione.
Summarizing: sensuality and religion
En extrema sintesis: sensualidad y religión.
What would you change from this world?
mi sta bene così com'è, nel bene e nel male.
Nothing at all, I'm fine the way it is, for better or
for worse.
Nada, estoy bien así, para mejor ó para peor.
If you could resurrect someone, who would you choose
Me stesso!?!
A mí mismo!?!
What do you think about Contemporary Art ?
sono molte cose da discutibili, ma la apprezzo, sono molto aperto alle nuove
tendenze e a nuovi media. In genere non mi piacciono gli artisti figurativi
relativamente al contemporaneo.
There are many things to be questionable, but I
appreciate it, I'm very open to new trends and new media. In general I do not
want relations with any contemporary visual artist.
Hay muchas cosas cuestionables, pero lo aprecio, soy muy abierto a las nuevas tendencias y a los nuevos medios. En general, no me gusta relacionarme con algún artista visual contemporáneo.
If you would have the whole world attention for 30
seconds what would you do or say? Mostrerei alcune mie opere al mondo.
Mostrerei alcune mie opere
al mondo.
I would show some of my works to the world.
Enseñaría algunas de mis obras al mundo.
what things are you afraid of knowing that there is
nothing to fear?
non capisco la domanda)
Do you have any phobia?
No, I don’t
if your friends were asked about negative highlight
parts of your character, what would they say ?
Forse “egoismo”.
Maybe "selfishness."
Quizás " egoismo"
What drives you crazy?
La stupidità della gente!
The stupidity of the people!
La estupidez de las personas!
What is your favorite painting or picture?
sono troppe cose che mi piacciono, non sono così feticista.
Hello are too many things that I like…eventhough are
not so fetishist.
Hola: hay demasiadas que me gustan... no son fetichistas
Who is your favorite artist?
sono troppi artisti che potrei citare...
There are too many artists I could mention...
Podría nombrar a muchos artistas.
Are you superstitious?
Do you think there are people devaluing contemporary
di si (ma forse non mi è chiara la domanda).
I think so (but perhaps the question is not not clear
to me).
Sí, lo creo aunque, quizás la pregunta no la tenga clara
Does Internet have a negative influence or positive
influence on artists?
mia personale esperienza è assolutamente positiva. Penso che indipendentemente
da Internet un artista debba avere la propria personalità, pertanto l'influenza
del web non può che essere un vantaggio.
My personal experience is overwhelmingly positive. I
think that regardless of the Internet an artist has to have its own
personality, so the influence of the web can only be an advantage.
Mi experiencia personal es tremendamente positiva. Pienso que, a pesar del Internet, un/a artista tiene que tener su propia personalidad, de esa forma la influencia del Internet solo será una ventaja.
What do you think about contemporary mecenas helping
to promote artists through social media and the internet ?
sta benissimo, sono nuovi mezzi di comunicazione e divulgazione non è pensabile
eluderli, sarebbe stupido.
It is fine; There are new means of communication and
dissemination… it is not feasible to elude them, it would be stupid.
Lo veo bien; Hay mychos medios de comunicación y difusión... No sería lógico eludirlos, sería estúpido.
If you let a shark and a crocodile in the same pool ,
which one would win ?
Il coccodrillo, credo!
The crocodile, I think!
El cocodrlo, creo!
Do you like to read poetry? Have you read any of my
no, ho così poco tempo per la lettura, questo mi dispiace, tempo fa non era
così purtroppo.
Hmm no, I have so little time for reading, I am sorry,
it was not so long ago, unfortunately.
Hmmm no, tengo poco tiempo para la lectura y esto me incomoda, lo siento, fue hace mucho tiempo, por desgracia
What would you title a book about your life?
“Ritratti da
What is your favorite animal?
gli animali, ma in casa abbiamo un cane e. naturalmente, è il mio preferito.
All animals, but at home we have a dog and, of
course, is my favorite one.
Todos los animales, en mi casa tenemos un perro y, por supuesto, es mi favorito.
Which one of the seven capitals sins you commit more
How would the world change the world if it were
dominated by women?
la pace non sarebbe così utopica.
Maybe peace would not be so utopian.
Quizás la paz no sería una utopía
If you had to give employment to someone what criteria
would you consider the most important?
La Honestidad!
What is more important to you: freedom or security?
If you went to dinner with your clone, do you think
you would enjoy the company ?
No, non credo proprio!
No, I do not think so!
No, no lo creo!
Do you think you could know the character of a person
by the music he/she listen to?
penso completamente, ma forse in parte si.
I do not think it would define it completely, but
perhaps just a part or side.
No pienso que lo/a defina totalmente, quizás una parte sí.
How many creations each year and how long take you to finish one of them?
20-25 opere ad olio in un anno. In media occorrono 20-30 giorni per realizzare
un lavoro.
20-25 works in oil per year. Usually, it takes me 20-30 days to accomplish
a job.
Entre 20-25 trabajos de óleo al año. Normalmente tardo entre 20-30 días en finalizar cada trabajo.
Do You consider yourself into any movement in art?
la mia mente è sempre in cerca di spunti, soluzioni e quant'altro relativamente
alla mia arte.
Yes, my mind is always looking for new ideas,
solutions and so on… regarding to my art.
Sí, mi mente siempre busca nuevas ideas, soluciones y así... en relación a mi arte.
If there were a movie about your life which
actor/actress would play your role?
“Il cattivo insegnante”.
"The bad teacher."
Let's say for the rest of your life you can only eat
one thing, which one would you decide?
Pasta o riso.
What would you like to transmit in your art?
Emozioni, naturalmente.
Emotions, of course.
Emociones, naturalmente
If you were famous far a whole day what famous person
would you be and why?
ho di questi desideri, la mancanza di privacy delle persone famose lo ritengo
un problema.
I do not have these desires; Lack of privacy of famous
people I believe it would be a problem for me.
No tengo ese deseo, la falta de privacidad de la gente famosa sería un problema para mi.
If you had to choose a figure of comic for your father
, what would it be?
Non so rispondere.
I cannot answer
No puedo responder
Do you think Contemporary Art is multidimensional, how
would you define it?
l'arte contemporanea deve ricercare continuamente nuove frontiere espressive,
senz'altro anche multidimensionali, su questo non ci sono dubbi. Però sono
anche convinto che una certa manualità non tramonterà mai, il disegno e la
pittura sono processi umani primari e saranno sempre presenti nel panorama
artistico. De Dominicis diceva che un artista che si esprime evitando il
disegno o la pittura non sceglie di farlo, semplicemente non è capace!
Certainly contemporary
art must continually seek new frontiers of expression, certainly also
multidimensional, there is no doubt about this. But I am also convinced that a
certain manuality is primordial, drawing and painting processes are primary
human and will always be present in the art scene. De Dominicis said that an
artist who expresses himself by avoiding drawing or painting does not choose to
do it, it just is not capable of!
Ciertamente el arte contemporáneo tiene que indagar continuamente nuevas fronteras de expresión, por supuesto también multidimensionales. no cabe duda sobre esto. Aunque estoy convencido de que una cierta manualidad es primordial, el proceso del dibujo y la pintura son primordialmente humanos y siempre estarán presentes en la escena del arte. Los Dominicos decían que un artista quien se expresa evitando el dibujo ó la pintura no es porque lo elija sino porque no es capaz de hacerlo.
* Thanks SATURNO BUTTÓ for being such an amazing Big Master digging inside emotions and always being yourself... Any Saturno Buttó's imitation would not be possible. I am honored and delighted for your time and generosity... a conversation with you : a dream come true! ;O)
Entrevista cedida exclusivamente por el autor a Cromofora La ( Paloma) Contemporary Art Online Gallery (c)
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