The Magic Circle
Cromofora La ( Paloma)Art Gallery showcases an amalgamation of new contemporary, emerging as well distinguished artists, focusing on the creation of future exhibitions from around the world, a Monthly Magazine all of which help to define the future of art in our culture.Supporting and representing artists, innovative exhibitions and programs. Beside provides Art Advisory Services. All image's rights are reserved by the artists who created the works reference herein
Amor que embriagas mis ojos desnudos,
Era yo, tenaz ave sobrevolando cada átomo
Durmiente que ni sueña ni espera,
Era el torrente del manantial más puro
Que desemboca en donde la muerte resplandece,
El calor de mis labios derramando tus latidos
En la humedad, al roce de mi cuerpo desnudo…
Collaboration Paloma de la Torre / Roberto Ferri ( painting)