Adele Ceraudo, artista cosentina di nascita, romana di adozione. Atleta, danzatrice, ginnasta e attrice, sin da bambina necessita di esprimersi per mezzo del corpo e dell’arte. Si diploma al liceo artistico e prosegue la sua formazione presso la facoltà di architettura a Firenze, dove approfondisce lo studio delle linee e dell’armonia che caratterizzano nel tempo la sua produzione. Esprime la sua personalità variegata, lavorando contemporaneamente come grafica, modella, illustratrice e attrice.
Esordisce con la personale “Nudi a penna” a Cosenza (2007) ma è a Roma dove si trasferisce e vive, in cui conosce e si confronta con artisti, storici dell’arte, fondazioni e gallerie, internazionali e locali. Espone alla Galleria dell’Orologio (2009), mostra replicata nello stesso anno a Barcellona, partecipa a premi di arte contemporanea, e a collettive accanto a noti artisti in occasione di aste di solidarietà, “Learn to be Free” promossa da Irene Pivetti (2009) e “Fabula in Arte” in asta con Christie’s (2009 e 2010) nei Musei Greco e Mastroianni di San Salvatore in Lauro; espone nel foyer del teatro Quirino (2010)e, al museo Centrale Montemartini a Roma, come finalista del premio Talent Prize(Roma). Nella sua città natale(Cs) è stata invitata ad esibire una personale nel Museo Civico dei Brettii e degli Enotri(2010). E’ stata organizzatrice, come presidente dell’associaz.culturale e per l’ambiente Greengeneration, e come artista, dei tre eventi “Battiti, con le donne e per le donne”.
The artist uses in her creative process , a multiple of photographs , performed by professional photographers under her guidance , and from which she selects the perfect one to use as a source of inspiration .
Her art work is recognized both in Italy and abroad , published and invited by the Academy of Fine Arts and University for her very special and unique " Modus Operandi " in which she uses herself as a medium to describe the poem and the energy of woman.
She is a performer and interpreter , as well as a creator and designer , she works with international renowned photographers but also with young emerging ones . For several years her focus is on the reinterpretation of the great masters of Italian Art , Michelangelo, Leonardo, Caravaggio and Bernini, in a contemporary way especially for women , combining photography, and drawing with her pen and high technology.
Only in exceptional circumstances she lends her hand to the creation of portraits of special women . A tribute to female figures that are characterized by having achieved important goals in different areas.
Here, an example of the Opera Ceraudo, the complete creative process , where the artist becomes the "mother par excellence " , the reinterpretation of the "Pietà" by Michelangelo by the clip of Alexander Rossellini (nephew of the historic Italian director ) the representation of the Opera with the Bic pen drawing and the new technological reality in a work created by the scanning of large designs and printings, with the use of plastic supports and industrial resins.
The artist lives and works in Rome, where she draws constantly starting from the early hours of the morning in her studio, located in the heart of the city, in the picturesque Trastevere.
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