martes, 24 de junio de 2014

CAROL FEYERMAN Reviving Resing

A woman who knows how to create living people, at least visually,the resin and oil paints. Thus, giperrealisty modernity and Carol Feyerman (New York, USA)
Carol Feyerman (Carole Feuerman) is an internationally known and recognized sculptor. Its merits are most revered in his homeland, America. For more than forty years, it has successfully operated company, established as his own hands — Feuerman Studios Inc, where he not only creates and presents his work, but also highlights the place under the sun, next to him, and for other artists.
Her name is included in «An American Odyssey 1945-1980», ie Feyerman recognized as the outstanding American artists of the postwar era. Her work has been exhibited in the most famous museums of the world, such as Madrid's Prado and the St. Petersburg Hermitage.

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